There's no doubt that the summers in Glendale are exceptionally hot. To make the summer more bearable, you want to be sure that your air conditioner is working properly. Unfortunately, the stress and strain of a hot summer can sometimes push air conditioner motors past their limit. When this happens, most people think their only option is to replace the entire air conditioner. The problem with this, though, is that this is an expensive and time-consuming process. The good news is that there is another option when you choose Run Em Again Motors for air conditioner motor repair.
Typically, you'll notice several symptoms that indicate your air conditioner's motor is having a problem. One of the most obvious symptoms is that your air conditioner will run but won't cool your home. If you're outside, you might also notice loud grinding and thumping noises coming from your air conditioner. When this happens, it's a good idea to have Run Em Again Motors come out to take a look at your air conditioner motor.
HVAC companies do a great job of maintaining most components of your air conditioner. However, there's only so much you can do when it comes to your air conditioner's motor. Every few years, it's a good idea to have Run Em Again Motors perform a thorough maintenance job on the motor so that you can enjoy a long lifespan from your air conditioner.
Another great thing about having Run Em Again Motors maintain or repair your air conditioner's motor is the fast turnaround times we're able to provide. This will help you get your home back to optimal comfort in very little time. Plus, if you're simply having your motor maintained, you can schedule the maintenance for a time of the year when you're less likely to need your air conditioner.
At Run Em Again Motors, we know motors inside and out. Whether we're bench testing, performing pool pump repair, applying an epoxy coating, fixing a gearbox, or performing one of our other services, you can be sure that we'll get the job done correctly. That's because we have over 70 years of experience with electronic devices of all kinds. To learn more about repairing your air conditioner's motor, contact us at Run Em Again Motors today.
Published By:
Run Em' Again Electric Motors - John Hayden